Sunday, May 15, 2011

State of the Art / Art of the State

Last weekend I attended the opening of State of the Art / Art of the State at the Cameron Art Museum in Wilmington, NC. The show was quite unique: no jurors, no entry fees - just bring one piece of art and it would be on display at the museum for six months. Hundreds of pieces of art were submitted and over 800 people attended the opening - there was little room to even move due to the amount of people that attended. Curators from NYC, San Francisco and London arranged the exhibit - and with the help of the staff and sponsors of the Cameron Art Museum an impressive show was put on.

The quality of artwork at the show is quite impressive. With so many works submitted, I expected to see alot of mediocrity - this certainly is not the case. By the breadth of artists and the quality of art, I conclude the "state of art" in North Carolina is pretty good.

I submitted Looking Glass Falls to the show. This is the painting hung high at the top of the doorway.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful art show!
    Stay inspired!

  2. Well said Micah! I have a painting there as well. It was quite a unique experience and it's an exhibit well worth seeing. Impressive describes it perfectly. I've never seen so many artists and so much quality art in one place at one time. It was so crazy opening night that I plan to make a trip back to Wilmington before it ends in October just to have time to walk through and really take in all the art.
    Susan J. Harris


All comments, criticism and questions are of course welcomed