Monday, October 12, 2009

Using Dried Paint/Glazing Medium in Paintings

I almost always use acrylic glazes in my paintings.  Generally I mix about 20% paint to 80% medium.  Usually the technique only requires a fraction of the mixture and the rest ends up drying in the palette.  I began experimenting with these dried paint skins by cutting out shapes, usually I use gel medium as a glue to adhere these shapes right on the canvas.  Below is a technique where I use these dried paints in conjunction with impasto medium.  The demonstration was a practice for the larger piece shown at the bottom right.

  1. Using masking tape I isolate the area where the paint/impasto medium will be applied
  2. I use an exacto knife to create a rough edge, to make one side of the tree
  3. I mix about 20% paint with 80% Impasto Medium
  4. I apply the mixture on the intended area
  5. Using a palette knife I smooth out the mixture and remove the tape.
  6. After cutting out a selection of shapes form the dried glaze mixture, I imbed those directly into the impasto mixture to represent the tree bark
  7. The impasto medium mixture takes about 24 hours to dry.  
  8. When dry the impasto mixture will hold the glaze chips securely in place

I have a video on this at

The finished painting is the 5th painting in my Beidler Forest Series.

Comments, criticism and questions are always welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool Micah. Great demo. Love your creative use of the dried up medium.


All comments, criticism and questions are of course welcomed